광고 Those who know what a tedious process the filing of Income Tax Returns is and go through it at the end of every financial year very well know the importance of a calculator. The perfect tool to calculate the right amount of Income Tax that is payable to the Income Department of India, these calculators can be found freely on the internet today and are used by hundreds of payers to help compute their taxes. These calculators are usually found on portals that act as consultancies in the online world and also on forums on the internet that discuss matters and help members as well as well as visitors decipher complex tax issues. Though a tax calculator is the best tool, there are also other ways to go through the process tax-ai.

The best way to complete the entire process without having to do a single calculation on your own is to hire the services of a tax portal. These portals have extremely efficient systems to help out their clients and have special packages that are tailor made to suit every payers need. These tax portals have a proper system in place and every step is taken care of by experts. Once the client signs up for the package that suits him best the expert contacts the client on behalf of the portal and collects all the relevant information related to the filing of the Income Returns for that financial year. After the relevant documents and bank records are studied thoroughly the expert begins the process of choosing the correct Income Tax Returns form that is right for the particular client and goes about filling it up. At the end of the process all that the client has to do is click on the ‘Submit’ button after checking if the given information is correct. All this can be completed without even having to look at a tax calculator.

Apart from these portals, another alternative to having to get the entire process done on your own is to hire the services of tax professionals in the real world. There are various tax consultants and chartered accountants who have been handling the matters of clients for years together and have been around even before the online process of electronic filing of tax returns was introduced. All these professionals have surely adapted to the e-filing process and offer a balance of traditional methods of business in accordance with the latest technologies. They are excellent options for those who are still not comfortable with hiring the services of online portals. Whether online or not, there are certainly alternatives to having to use a tax calculator.

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